Hola! My name is Asher. This is my website. It’s just a little place where I can put myself out there, sharing my hopes and dreams, the laughter, the tears, and generally unloading on the world. Oh, wait, I can do that at home!

But let me tell you a little bit about myself anyway. Essentially, I am a baby. A human baby. So pretty much just like you, only smaller. Oh, and without the walking and talking and such. I was born in New York City on July 29, 2006. On the Upper East Side. What a view our room had! At least I think it was a good view. They told me it was good view. I don’t really have much to compare it to yet. But it was a fine view. Anyway, since then I have been living in Bayonne, New Jersey with my parents, Lisa and Steve. They let me eat and sleep a lot, and indulge me in my many obsessive interests, including looking at things, making sounds, and engaging in multiple wardrobe changes, Elvis-style. When I am not sufficiently distracted by these activities, my parents are also kind enough to arrange for visitors to entertain me. I have two sets of grandparents, Hal and Judy and Don and Sue, an Auntie Amy, an Uncle Dave, and one first cousin, Devyn, who is almost exactly two years older than I am! Then there is Juu Juu. I’m told he is a cat. A Siamese cat. I don’t quite know what that means, but as far as I can tell he is somewhat smaller and furrier than the rest of them, and the things he says are far more interesting. I have lots of other relatives and friends too, though I have not met many of them yet. Are you one?

If you would like to, feel free to drop me a line. I always enjoy corresponding with others. Unfortunately, I may not be able to read every letter I receive personally, as I am not able to read, but my people assure me that every message will receive a reply in due time. Meanwhile, enjoy browsing my website, and come back soon!